Lifelong Catechesis
Forming Catholic identity across generationsFor a large part of the liturgical year, we devote ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects unfolded as we seek God's truth and understanding.
Theme: Let us preach the good news to all!
Breaking Open the Word
Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel
Step One: Listen to the Word
As you listen to the stories of Jesus healing the people, what strikes you about it? What do you detect in Jesus that strengthens his ministry?
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: What can you do to help your friends and classmates know more about Jesus?
Question for Youth: Jesus knew that his mission was for everyone, not just one village or group of people. How can you reach out to others (outside of friends and family) and offer them hope and Good News?
Question for Adults: If you were going to pray for healing for any reason, what would it be? What needs to be healed in our world and society?