Lifelong Catechesis
Forming Catholic identity across generationsThe sound of Alleluias fills the 50 days of Easter Sunday to Pentecost as we give thanks for the gift of our salvation. The Easter Triduum recalls the passion and resurrection of Christ in the sacred journey from Holy Thursday to Easter Vigil. "Dying he destroyed our death. Rising he restored our life."
Theme: Jesus gives us special gifts.
Breaking Open the Word
Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel
Step One: Listen to the Word
As you hear this reading, what words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your memory?
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: Jesus tells us He is always with us. Name a time this past week when you knew that God was with you in a special way.
Question for Youth: Jesus prayed for his disciples, that others might believe in him through their words. How are you spreading your belief in Jesus through your words and actions? Do others know who Jesus is by knowing you?
Question for Adults: Jesus invites us to be one with God. Name a moment when you were one with God this past week.