
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
November 09, 2024


During the Christmas season from December 24th until the Sunday after Epiphany, we reflect upon the mystery of love that is made visible in the birth and early childhood of Christ.

Saint of the Week

Solemnity of the Epiphany

Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

Agnes may have been a young girl when she died. Legend has it that she was very beautiful and from a wealthy Roman family. Many young men wanted to marry her, but she decided to commit herself only to God. One of the men who wanted her eventually reported her to the authorities for being a Christian, which was then against the law. She was eventually martyred for her faith and is honored today for that.

When we dedicate ourselves to God as the most important thing in our lives, we have to give up some other things. What would you give up in order to dedicate yourself entirely to God?