
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
September 18, 2024


Forty days before the Triduum, the Lenten season disposes Catechumens and the faithful to celebrate the paschal mystery through prayer and penitential practices.

Saint of the Week

Third Sunday of Lent

Mark of Arethusa, Bishop

Mark was the bishop of Arethusa (in present day Syria), and he had gained many converts to Christianity, but he was punished for this and eventually tortured and killed. And even though he himself was an old man at this time, Mark did not yield to his tormentors. His strength was so strong that they feared if they killed him, he would only draw more people to the faith. So they released him and his good work continued.

It is never easy to stand up for one’s beliefs. Most of us will not have to endure torture to support our values and standards. But we can’t turn away from our faith because someone ridicules us.