
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
January 23, 2025


The twofold character of Advent calls us to prepare for the remembering of the Word made Flesh at Christmas, and directs us to wait with alertness for Jesus’ second coming.

Sunday Readings and Backgrounds

Second Sunday of Advent

Reading I : Baruch 5:1-9

God will show all the earth the splendor of Jerusalem.

  • The passage from Baruch borrows the prophetic language of Second Isaiah which presents a glorious vision of the vindication of God’s people.
  • Jerusalem, clothed in the glory and justice of God, would welcome her children home.
  • All creation would share in the delight and make a smooth shady path for the people of God.

Reading II : Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11

He who has begun a great work in you will continue to strengthen you.

  • Paul’s Letter to the Philippians expresses his great hope for the people in Philippi whom had enthusiastically accepted the Gospel of Christ.
  • The Philippians had supported Paul financially and shown kindness to him during his imprisonment.
  • Paul reminds them to love one another and to value what truly matters.

Gospel : Luke 3:1-6

The preaching of John the Baptist.

  • In today’s Gospel, Luke sets the story of Jesus in historic context for his Gentile audience by listing the important figures of the time.
  • At the end of the list, he concentrates on John the Baptizer.
  • The lone prophet, John the Baptist, was to preach the arrival of God’s salvation in Jesus.