
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
January 18, 2025

Ordinary Time

For a large part of the liturgical year, we devote ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects unfolded as we seek God's truth and understanding.

Sunday Readings and Backgrounds

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I : Jeremiah 23:1-6

Woe to those who mislead their sheep.

  • Preaching just before the Babylonian exile, Jeremiah warns the people that they will lose the land and be driven into exile unless they turn from their evil ways.
  • The people do not turn from their evil ways.  They and Zedekiah, their ruler, are taken into exile.
  • The leaders of the exiled people, like good shepherds, kept the people united and nourished them with hope.

Reading II : Ephesians 2:13-18

He announced the Good News to those who were far off and to those who were near.

  • The Letter to the Ephesians emphasizes the unity between Jews and Gentiles.
  • All who are redeemed through Christ are one body in him.
  • Christ is the way to peace for all people.

Gospel : Mark 6:30-34

They went to a deserted place to rest.

  • The disciples have just returned from their first missionary journey and Jesus knows that they need rest.
  • The attempt to get away from the crowds is useless because the people are hungry to hear the word of God.
  • Jesus, the Good Shepherd, responds to the people with compassion.