
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
January 18, 2025


Forty days before the Triduum, the Lenten season disposes Catechumens and the faithful to celebrate the paschal mystery through prayer and penitential practices.

Activity of the Week

First Sunday of Lent

Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings:

  • Lent is a time of prayerful reflection. Discuss with your family a time during the week or day that all radios, stereos, televisions, computers, and telephones will be shut off so family members can pray. Call it the family’s prayer time. At the end of the week, ask family members to share what they have learned or gained from the experience.
  • Will your family be open to God’s presence during the Lenten season? The traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and giving alms, remind us that we need God. As a family, discuss how you can observe these Lenten practices.
  • While there is a tradition of “giving something up” for Lent, this year consider instead “doing something extra” for someone who could use help or assistance. That might include volunteering to take an elderly neighbor shopping or helping him or her with spring chores.
  • What Lenten observances does your parish have this year? How can you participate?