
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
September 18, 2024


The sound of Alleluias fills the 50 days of Easter Sunday to Pentecost as we give thanks for the gift of our salvation. The Easter Triduum recalls the passion and resurrection of Christ in the sacred journey from Holy Thursday to Easter Vigil. "Dying he destroyed our death. Rising he restored our life."

Activity of the Week

Pentecost Sunday

Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings:

  • On Pentecost, God poured out upon the world the gift of the Holy Spirit. Gather your family outdoors and point out the force of the wind. Discuss with your family how the Holy Spirit is like a mighty wind. Talk about how the gift of God’s Spirit strengthens your family. End your gathering with a family hug.
  • Write each of the names of the fruits of the Holy Spirit on a slip of paper (charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity), and place the papers in a bowl.  Each morning this week have the members of the family choose a slip out of the box and make an effort to carry out that behavior throughout the day. In the evening have members return the slip to the bowl, evaluating how they did during the day.
  • Have a family affirmation time. Each member tells how he or she has seen the power of the Spirit working through another family member, bringing God’s love and forgiveness.
  • The Feast of Pentecost is actually the birthday of the Church. Celebrate this feast with a birthday cake for the Church. Place seven candles on the cake to represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. After you light the candles, pray the following Prayer Litany: Response: We thank you, Holy Spirit. Leader: For the gift of love... For the gift of peace... For the gift of wisdom... For the gift of understanding... For the gift of strength... For the gift of knowing the Lord... For the gift of our family... Amen.