
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
February 18, 2025


The sound of Alleluias fills the 50 days of Easter Sunday to Pentecost as we give thanks for the gift of our salvation. The Easter Triduum recalls the passion and resurrection of Christ in the sacred journey from Holy Thursday to Easter Vigil. "Dying he destroyed our death. Rising he restored our life."

Activity of the Week

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings:

  • God loves, forgives and welcomes everyone. Think about ways that your family can love, forgive and welcome others. On a sheet of paper create three columns with the following headings: Love, Forgiveness and Welcome. Brainstorm with your family ways you can reach out to others. Write the responses under the appropriate headings. Post the paper in a prominent place in your home.
  • Make a list of newcomers to your community. Choose one family and think of a way you can welcome them.
  • Jesus extends God’s love to all. Find out about a group that works for social justice in your community. Invite someone from the group to explain the group’s activities to your family. Decide if there is a way you can help.
  • Think of a family whose national or ethnic heritage is different from yours. Talk with them about their family customs and celebrations.