
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
February 19, 2025

Ordinary Time

For a large part of the liturgical year, we devote ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects unfolded as we seek God's truth and understanding.

Activity of the Week

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings:

  • Jesus teaches that “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and the servant of all.” When do you want to be first in line or first to do something fun? When do you want to be the first one to help someone in need?
  • As a family, view one of these movies: Gandhi, Mission, Romero, or Schindler’s List, all available on DVD or Blu-ray. Talk about the kind of service the movie illustrates.
  • How good are you at serving others? Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten. Share with family members why you gave yourself this score.
  • Write the names of each person in your family. Tell how that person serves your family. Decide as a family how you will serve one another this week.