Lifelong Catechesis
Forming Catholic identity across generationsForty days before the Triduum, the Lenten season disposes Catechumens and the faithful to celebrate the paschal mystery through prayer and penitential practices.
Theme: Holy Week — the mystery of our faith.
Breaking Open the Word
Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s 2nd Reading, with an eye to the Passion Narrative
Step One: Listen to the Word
As you hear Paul’s words to the Philippians, what touches your heart? What phrase from this reading now lingers in your memory?
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: Share how you sometimes make sacrifices for the good of others.
Question for Youth: Today begins the holiest week of the year. It is a once-a-year opportunity to really reflect on Jesus life, death, and resurrection. How will you enter into this experience? How will you be open to how you might be changed?
Question for Adults: Name one specific way that you live your baptismal call to enter into the death of the Lord by forgiveness, generosity, hospitality, or other ways.