Lifelong Catechesis
Forming Catholic identity across generationsForty days before the Triduum, the Lenten season disposes Catechumens and the faithful to celebrate the paschal mystery through prayer and penitential practices.
Joseph of Arimathea, Layman
Joseph of Arimathea was a righteous and virtuous man who was a member of the Sanhedrin and a secret disciple of Jesus. When Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin to be condemned to death, Joseph opposed their decision. After Jesus died on the cross, Joseph asked for Jesus’ body and wrapped the body in clean linen and laid it in a new tomb. Legend has it that Joseph inherited the chalice, the Holy Grail, used by Jesus in the Last Supper. Joseph led a group of missionaries to Glastonbury where they built a new church in honor of Our Lady. He is the patron saint of funeral directors.