
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
December 11, 2024

Ordinary Time

For a large part of the liturgical year, we devote ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects unfolded as we seek God's truth and understanding.

Saint of the Week

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Helen, mother

Helen was married to Constantius Chlorus and was the mother of Constantine the Great. Having remained loyal to his mother, Constantine called her to the royal court and conferred on her the title of Augusta. Under the influence of her son, Helen embraced Christianity and spent the remainder of her life working to spread Christianity. Among her good works were the construction of several churches in Rome and other cities in the Western Roman Empire. Her charities were also especially compassionate toward the poor of the empire.

Good people of whatever age can achieve much if they have to will to do so. In the last few years of her life, Helen, finally in a position to help those in need and to spread the Word of God, accomplished great things in Christ’s name.