
Lifelong Catechesis

Forming Catholic identity across generations
February 12, 2025


During the Christmas season from December 24th until the Sunday after Epiphany, we reflect upon the mystery of love that is made visible in the birth and early childhood of Christ.

Saint of the Week

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

John, Apostle and Evangelist

John and his brother, James, were the sons of Zebedee, and we know about them from the Gospels. They were fishers on Lake Gennesaret until they were called by Jesus to follow him. St. John was very close to Jesus, and was present with Mary at the foot of the cross when Jesus died. He was a pillar of the early church he wrote eloquently about love. We celebrate his Feast on December 27.

How can you become a closer friend to Jesus yourself? Try talking with him as you would a close friend, and remember that he is always beside you as a friend.